
9.00 - 19.30 h.

Sponsors & Exhibitions


9.00 - 10.00 h.

Plenary Talk. We listen. But how do we translate? Connecting sound science

Salón de Actos

    Renata Sousa Lima

    EAR Hub, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

    Simon Linke

    CSIRO Environment


10.45 - 13.00 h.

Symposium. Advances in underwater acoustics for management and conservation of aquatic resources

Salón de Actos

    Francis Juanes

    University of Victoria, Canada

    Marta Bolgan

    Ocean Science Consulting Ltd. Spott Rd. Scotland. UK

Advances in mesophotic coral reefs acoustics for management and conservation in Polynesia

    Xavier Raick

    University of Liege. Belgium

Why should we preserve natural soundscapes? The case of the Adriatic Sea.

    Marta Picciulin

    National Research Council of Italy

Addressing underwater noise: Joint efforts and progress on its global governance

    Marta Bolgan

    Ocean Science Consulting Ltd. Spott Rd. Scotland. UK

Passive acoustics for the study of autoecology of emblematic species in marine protected areas

    Jose Miguel González Correa

    University of Alicante. Spain

Habitat-mediated soundscape conservation in marine ecosystems

    Kieran Cox

    Marine Acoustics. Simon Fraser University and FishSounds. Vancouver. Canada

The Freshwater Sounds Archive: A global database for the sounds of freshwater life

    Jack Greenhalgh

    Pyrenean Institute of Ecology. Spain

Arctic soundscapes - rapid changes in a historically pristine environment and its implications for Arctic marine mammals and Inuit communities

    Annika Heimrich

    University of Victoria. Canada

General discussion


10.45 - 13.00 h.

Open Talks. 5: Soundscapes patterns and drivers

Aula 002

    Carlos Abrahams

    Baker consultants. UK

Understanding disturbance impacts in terrestrial ecosystems through ecoacoustics

    Samuel R. P.-J. Ross

    Integrative Community Ecology Unit. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. Onna-son. Japan.

Temporal soundscape characteristics of managed forests: Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on diel patterns

    Dominik Arend

    Biology. Geobotany. Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg. Freiburg. Germany

Sensory polluted soundscapes: empirical and experimental evaluation in eastern Australia

    Susan Fuller

    Queensland University of Technology. Australia

Acoustic monitoring of rehabilitated sand mines in south-eastern Australia

    Marina Scarpelli Drummond de Almeida

    CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia

Soundscape and acoustic clime of a university square: monitoring before depaving and greening renovation

    Andrea Potenza

    PhD student. Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Milano. Italy

The Soundscape of the Regional Park of the Ticino Valley: influence of enviromental variables and anthropogenic noise

    Giorgia Guagliumi

    Research Scholarship Recipient, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy.

Monitoring Farmland Avian Biodiversity Using Acoustic Indices in an Agro-ecological Context in the Mediterranean Region: The Case of Gödence Village, Izmir, Türkiye

    Irmak Akoglu

    Acoustic Monitoring and Indices. Bogazici Uni Environmental Sciences Institute. Istanbul. Türkiye

Understanding through better listening: quantitative soundscape analyses reveal differences between two types of healthy habitats and the effect of distance in coastal habitats

    Juan Carlos Azofeifa Solano

    Underwater acoustics. Curtin University, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Australia

First assessment of the marine soundscape of a shallow submarine volcano in its hydrothermal phase: the Tagoro (El Hierro, Canary Islands)

    Jesús Alcázar Treviño

    Bioacoustics. Universidad de La Laguna/Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias. La Laguna. Spain


10.45 - 13.00 h.

Symposium. Multi-eared listening: pathways to equitable partnerships for a transdisciplinary ecoacoustics

Sala de Grados

    Alice Eldridge

    Ecolistening Group. University of Sussex. UK

    Leah Barclay

    Ecoacoustics and Acoustic Ecology. University of the Sunshine Coast. Queensland. Australia

Ethical, Epistemological and Ecological importance of equitable partnerships in Ecoacoustics

    Alice Eldridge

    Ecolistening Group. University of Sussex. UK

Participatory ecoacoustic monitoring of social-ecological change with Indigenous and local community partners surrounding Indonesia’s new capital city

    Wendy Erb

    K Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell lab of Ornithology, USA

Narrating the Forest: The Cultural Centrality of Storytelling in Participatory Bioacoustics with Forest Fringe Communities in Ghana

    Joycelyn Yaa Koko Longdon

    University of Cambridge. UK

Using Ecoacoustics and other monitoring techniques to work with Traditional Owners to bring Biocultural perspectives to environmental water discussions

    Jo Geddes

    Goulburn Broken CMA. Australia

Territory: Indigenous Peoples and the Conservation of Biodiversity

    Mónica Chuji Gualinga

    Indigenous Kichwa of the Ecuadorian Amazon/ Latin America Director of Indigenous Peoples Rights International. Ecuador

Listening with Ecosystems: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Ecoacoustics

    Leah Barclay

    Ecoacoustics and Acoustic Ecology. University of the Sunshine Coast. Queensland. Australia

General discussion


13.00 - 14.30 h.

Time for lunch


14.30 - 16.00 h.

Plenary Round Table. Acoustic Indices under debate

Salón de Actos

    Tom Bradfer-Lawrence

    RSPB Centre for Conservation Science & University of Stirling, UK

    Sandra Müller

    University of Freiburg, Germany

    Sylvain Haupert

    National Museum of Natural History (MNHN), France

    Mónica Retamosa Izaguirre

    Universidad Nacional. Heredia. Costa Rica

    Diego Gil Pérez

    Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC). Spain


16.00 - 16.30 h.

Coffee break


16.30 - 18.15 h.

Symposium. Machine listening meets passive acoustic monitoring

Salón de Actos

    Juan Sebastián Ulloa Chacon

    Instituto Humboldt. Colombia

    Vincent Lostanlen

    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). France

Expert-in-the-loop machine learning for large-scale PAM data

    Thiago Gouvea

    German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. Germany

Leveraging AI for effective, large-scale passive acoustic monitoring of bats

    Ella Browning

    Oxford. UK

Soundata, reproducible use of datasets

    Marius Miron

    Earth Species Project

Transfer Learning from Bird Embeddings to Belugas: Recognizing the “Canary of the Sea”

    Lauren Harrell


Silent Cities: monitoring large scale changes in urban ecoacoustics during the covid lockdown using deep learning and passive acoustic monitoring

    Nicolas Farrugia

    IMT Atlantique

General discussion


16.30 - 18.15 h.

Open Talks. 6: Testing and applying acoustic Indices

Aula 002

    Tom Bradfer-Lawrence

    RSPB Centre for Conservation Science & University of Stirling, UK

The Acoustic Complexity Indices (ACIs): Theoretical and applied perspectives

    Almo Farina

    University of Urbino Carlo Bo (UNIURB). Italy

Understanding drivers of soundscape characteristics in the UK

    Claire Buchan

    Acoustic Ecology. University of East Anglia. Norwich. UK

Acoustic entropy (H), Amplitude Index (M) and Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI) predict Habitat-Specific Soundscapes in Urban area

    Joao Marcelo Brazao Protazio

    Mathematical-Statistical Modeling. Universidade Federal do Para. Belem. Brazil

Impact of FFT Parameters on Acoustic Index Results

    James Kemp

    University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

Moving forward standardization for coral reef monitoring by ecoacoustics across ocean basins

    Elise Delcour

    Coral reef. Ecoacoustics. REEF PULSE S.A.S / UMR 9220 ENTROPIE. Saint Denis. La Réunion, France

Major Soundscape Differences in the West Coast of Scotland are Reflected in Acoustic Indices

    Benedict Lancelot Dell

    PhD Student in Underwater Acoustics. University of Southampton. Southampton. United Kingdom


16.30 - 18.15 h.

Open Talks. 7: Sensors

Sala de Grados

    Sarab S. Sethi

    Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, UK

Acoustic monitoring technology 3.0: towards a roadmap for open-source acoustic monitoring hardware based on the needs and priorities of the ecoacoustics community

    José Lahoz-Monfort

    Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC). Spain

Real-time bioacoustic monitoring using Edge-AI

    Bernd Meyer

    Monash University, Dept. of Data Science and AI

Capturing ecoacoustic data in real-time using embedded audio processing and LoRaWAN

    David Kadish

    School of Arts and Culture, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden

BIRDday: A field autonomous recorder for BIRDeep project

    Marcos Novalbos Mendiguchia

    Computer Science, U-tad University of Technology, Arts and Design, Madrid, Spain

Implementation of smart, low-power, low-cost bird acoustic monitoring

    Delia Velasco Montero

    Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (CSIC – Universidad de Sevilla). Seville. Spain

Scalable eco-acoustic monitoring using fully autonomous drones

    Milica Ostojic

    Life Sciences, Imperial College London, UK


18.30 - 19.30 h.

Ecoacoustic concert

Salón de Actos

    Invited Artist:
    David Monacchi
