
9.00 - 19.30 h.

Sponsors & Exhibitions


9.00 - 10.00 h.

Plenary Talk. Putting ecoacoustics into community ecology

Salón de Actos

    Larissa Sayuri M. Sugai

    K Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell lab of Ornithology, USA

    Rafael Ignacio Marquez

    Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC). Spain


10.45 - 13.00 h.

Symposium. Building a transnational network of terrestrial ecoacoustic monitoring initiatives to share knowledge, establish standards and promote data exchange. Part 1: ongoing programmes

Salón de Actos

    Sandra Müller

    University of Freiburg, Germany

    Jonathan Carruthers-Jones

    Department of Agriculture and Forestry. University of Helsinki. Finland

An overview of worldwide ecoacoustic patterns and research

    Kevin Darras

    EFNO research group (Ecosystèmes Forestiers Nogent). INRAE. France

The Australian Acoustic Observatory

    Linda Schwarzkopf

A neotropical collaborative acoustic monitoring network to assess climate change impacts on anurans

    Diego Llusia

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Spain

Introduction to sonosylva, a country-scale project for the acoustic monitoring of protected forests

    Jérôme Sueur

    National Museum of Natural History (MNHN). France

A multi-regional ecoacoustic network to study how organic farming and permanent grassland cover contribute to shape acoustic biodiversity in French farmland soundscapes

    Luc Barbaro

    INRAE Toulouse. France

Structure and function of acoustic communities in the ORCHAMP observatory

    Camille Desjonquères

    Université Grenobles Alpes. France

Integrating acoustic monitoring into German national forest monitoring (pilot on selected Levell II plots)

    Sandra Müller

    University of Freiburg, Germany

Designing and maintaining long-term biodiversity monitoring programs

    Carlos Abrahams

    Baker consultants. UK

Nordic Sound Research Network (NSRN)

    Rose Keller

    Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). Norway

General discussion


10.45 - 13.00 h.

Open Talks. 12. Human impacts and conservation

Aula 002

    Elena Tena López

    TRAGSATEC, Spain

Making a User-Friendly Monitoring Tool for the Invasive Cane Toad

    Ka Wah Leung

    James Cook University, Townsville, Australia

Not only birds: BirdNET as a useful tool for automated anuran monitoring

    Cristián Pérez Granados

    Universidad de Alicante. Spain

Ecoacoustics for effective invasive species management

    Marina Scarpelli Drummond de Almeida

    CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia

Acoustic detection of invasive species and the values they threaten

    Simon Linke

    CSIRO Environment

New insights on the ecology and conservation of understorey Amazonian bird species through ecoacoustics

    Léa Mariton

    Conservation Biology. CESCO – MNHN. Paris. France

Analysis of the Corn bunting song in the presence of air traffic noise

    Laura Michelle Godoy Merdano

    Ornithology. Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain

From sky to underwater: Can passive acoustic monitoring substitute to aerial tracking to quantify human use of inland waters?

    Vincent Médoc

    Associate Professor in Ecology and Behaviour. CRNL / ENES Bioacoustics Research Lab. Université Jean Monnet - St-Etienne. Saint-Etienne. France

Mapping of noise pollution in the lagoon of Bora Bora: A holistic approach towards ecoacoustic conservation

    Lana Minier

    PhD student at CRIOBE UAR 3278. Moorea. French Polynesia

Passive acoustic monitoring in Lake Bourget: How noisy is the largest natural French lake

    Théophile Turco



10.45 - 13.00 h.

Symposium. Underwater soundscape and noise: modelling, measurements and effects

Sala de Grados

    Valentina Zaffaroni Caorsi

    Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. University of Milano-Bicocca. Milan. Italy

    Manuela Mauro

    Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF). University of Palermo. Palermo. Italy

Characterization of underwater noise in the North Adriatic sea and in Barcelona shore

    Giovanni Zambon

    Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. University of Milano-Bicocca. Milan. Italy

Acoustic Study of Underwater areas in the Mediterranean Sea

    Eduardo Ruiz Perez

    Underwater, acoustic and non-acoustic signal processing. S.A. de Electrónica Submarina S.M.E. Spain

Modeling of continuous noise sources: characterization and propagation

    Marta Cianferra

Modeling of seismic sources: characterization and propagation

    Umberta Tinivella

On the importance of PM and its experimental determination

    Jaime Ramis Soriano

    University of Alicante. Spain

Effects of underwater noise on marine Deuterostomes

    Jesús Carbajo

Acoustic emissions and biological responses of aquatic organisms

    Manuela Mauro

    Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF). University of Palermo. Palermo. Italy

General discussion


13.00 - 14.30 h.

Time for lunch

Aula 001


14.30 - 16.30 h.

Symposium. Building a transnational network of terrestrial ecoacoustic monitoring initiatives to share knowledge, establish standards and promote data exchange. Part 2: methods

Salón de Actos

    Jonathan Carruthers-Jones

    Department of Agriculture and Forestry. University of Helsinki. Finland

    Sandra Müller

    University of Freiburg, Germany

Finnish Soundscapes

    Jonathan Carruthers-Jones

    Department of Agriculture and Forestry. University of Helsinki. Finland

Passive acoustic monitoring in nature-based solutions project in the tropical region

    Leandro A. Do Nascimento

    Biometrio Earth. Saarbrücken. Germany

Data infrastructures for biological acoustics

    Edward Baker

    Centre for UK Nature. Natural History Museum. Convenor of TDWG AudiovisualCore Maintenance Group. London. UK

Ecoacoustic dashboard for long term ecological monitoring

    Alice Eldridge

    Ecolistening Group. University of Sussex. UK

General discussion and follow-up activity


14.30 - 16.30 h.

Open Talks. 13. Sampling, spatial estimates and decision-making

Aula 002

    Larissa Sayuri M. Sugai

    K Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell lab of Ornithology, USA

Proposal for a physical and statistical model of space-time detectability

    Ducrettet Manon

    Ecoacoustic. Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle, CRNL UMR CNRS 5292. Saint - Etienne. France

Integrating Compartmentalization Techniques and Landscape Proxies in Spatial Sampling Design for Soundscape Studies

    Víctor Manuel Martínez-Arias

    Doctoral student. Grupo Herpetológico de Antioquia GHA, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín. Colombia

Listening in: The Value of Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Mammalian Biodiversity Assessment in Australia

    Sebastian Hoefer

    James Cook University

Multichannel Acoustic Autonomous Recording Unit (MAARU) for Spatial Ecosystem Monitoring

    Becky Heath

    Spatial Ecoacoutsics. Department of Zoology, Univeristy of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Multi-taxa acoustic monitoring allows for protected area prioritisation for cryptic and nocturnal species in a data-poor region

    Adham Ashton-Butt


Bats, birds, bugs and BNG: developing ecoacoustic guidance for conservation and consultancy

    Carlos Abrahams

    Baker consultants. UK

Ecoacoustic Research and its representation through intermedia sound art: sonic health of protected ecosystems and anthropogenic impacts on their ecological communities

    Sam Erpelding



14.30 - 16.30 h.

Open Talks. 14. Automated sound classification

Sala de Grados

    Sylvain Haupert

    National Museum of Natural History (MNHN), France

Automatic animal sound identification: a comparative study

    Maria Jose Guerrero Muriel

    PhD student, SISTEMIC-Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia

The Effects of Noise Reduction on Bioacoustic Segmentation and Classification

    Ben McEwen

    Computational Bioacoustics. Computer Science and Software Engineering Department, University of Canterbury. Christchurch. New Zealand

Decoding the Sounds of Doñana: Advancements in Bird Detection and Identification Through Deep Learning

    Alba Márquez-Rodríguez

    Computer Science. Estación Biológica de Doñana. Sevilla. España

All Thresholds Barred: Direct Estimation of Call Density in Bioacoustic Data

    Amanda Navine

    Bioacoustic Research. University of Hawaii at Hilo. Hilo. Hawaii. United States

Wind detection in soundscape recordings using the YAMNet pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network

    Francesca Terranova

    PhD Student. Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

Unsupervised Multi-Species Call Identification through Soundscape Decomposition

    Maria Jose Guerrero Muriel

    PhD student, SISTEMIC-Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia


16.30 - 17.00 h.

Coffee break


17.00 - 18.30 h.

Plenary Round Table. Integrating PAM on management and monitoring programs

Salón de Actos

    Simon Gillings

    British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), UK

    Lluís Brotons

    Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (CREAF) and EuropaBon, Spain

    Francisco Guil Celada

    Red Natura 2000, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Spain

    Adria López Baucells

    Natural Sciences Museum of Granollers and Eurobats, Spain

    Gerard Bota Cabau

    Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC). Spain


18.30 - 19.00 h.

Awards and Closing ceremony

Salón de Actos