Sustainability Statement

Sustainability Statement of the 5th World Ecoacoustics Congress

As researchers, scientists, technicians, engineers and practitioners working in the field of ecology, we are aware of the importance of embracing sustainability in everything we do to collectively move towards a healthier environment and safer space within planetary boundaries. Through our daily work, we contribute to the preservation of endangered species, their valuation and public awareness about nature conservation. 

For the 5th World Ecoacoustics Congress, and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we aim to promote this conscious, active choices for more sustainable practices. Here is how we will achieve this:

Gender equality

Gender equality in science remains an elusive goal, with imbalanced power dynamics persisting in research institutions, universities, and other scientific areas. These dynamics often pose obstacles for talented, dedicated individuals, hindering their personal and professional growth. That is why we have consciously aimed for gender equality within our keynote speakers (2 women and 2 men) and a high representation of women within our organizing committees (e.g. organizing committee and advisory committee). We encourage the rapid reporting of cases of inequality before, during and after this or any other Congress. Immediate action will be taken on any reported cases.

Energy consumption

While this is an in-person (not hybrid) meeting that requires the physical attendance of participants, making the use of planes and their associated high carbon footprint almost inevitable, we are committed to mitigating transportation-related emissions for the local Congress events. To this end, we will actively promote and share alternatives such as public transport and walking during all social and scientific activities during the Congress. Attendees will enjoy tours and excursions by the use of buses and trains. As additional measures to reduce energy consumption, we have decided not to use digital screens for the poster sessions or any other devices (tablets, etc.). Furthermore, designated personnel will ensure that artificial lights are used sparingly and only when necessary. Natural light sources will be prioritized whenever possible.

Catering & food

We will prioritize ecological, healthy sources of food produced with the lowest possible impact on the surrounding ecosystem, over choices that involve higher food transport distances or intensive land management practices. Additionally, preference will be given to domestically grown products over those imported from abroad. To this end, we will be assisted by the Oficina de Sostenibilidad of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and its successful programs for a sustainable campus and university community. Also, we will have the support of the UAM-based companies that will be hired for catering and food services, which followed the general strategy of the UAM for the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Reduction of plastics

To reduce the number of plastic components at our Congress, drinkable water served during talks and conferences will be provided in glass carafes, along with personal reusable water bottles for participants. Additionally, disposable envelopes will be avoided as much as possible during catering services, badge distribution or gift delivery.


Whenever possible, the use of cellulose-based materials will be minimized. A digital version of the Congress Book containing all abstracts will be produced, avoiding the need for printing numerous physical copies.  Additionally, products made from recycled paper, which can be easily degraded and re-used, will be prioritized over less sustainable choices. Furthermore, we have selected promotional items made from sustainable or recycled materials, such as the congress bag featuring sustainable articles (an eco-designed water bottle made from bamboo and glass materials, a backpack made from recycled cotton or a notebook made from recycled cardboard).

Conservation of nature

Last but not least, by gathering hundreds of ecological and scientific minds at this Congress and fostering an optimal space for debate and conversation, we are confident that the global ecoacoustics community will return to their research institutions with renovated ideas and reinforced convictions. Indeed, a large number of Congress symposia and sessions of our program will specifically address this topic, such as the sessions: Human impacts and Conservation biology; Integrating ecoacoustics on environmental management and monitoring programs; Decision-making policy, etc. These scientific activities will contribute to our collective efforts towards the preservation of life on land and the pursuit of a more sustainable future.

Finally, we wish to express our gratitude to the Madrid Convention Bureau (MCB) and its team for the great support provided in developing the Sustainability Statement of the 5th World Ecoacoustics Congress. Their assistance and commitment made this possible and were essential to our success.