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Wednesday 10th july
10.45 - 13.00 h.
Location: Salón de Actos

8: Behavioural ecology


Manuel B. Morales Prieto

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


Federica Rossetto

Disclosing the architecture and the community level consequences of acoustic interaction networks


Biodiversity Research Institute (CSIC, Oviedo University, Principality of Asturias), Mieres, Spain

Biography not available

Susan Fuller

Ecoacoustic Monitoring of the endangered Pink Cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri leadbeateri) in Semi-Arid Eastern Australia: Insights into Spatial and Temporal Patterns


Queensland University of Technology. Australia

Biography not available

Fernando Vargas-Salinas

Uncoupled evolutionary patterns in spectral and temporal components of acoustic signals in anurans associated with streams


Behavioural ecology of Anurans. Biology Program, University of Quindío. Armenia. Colombia

Biography not available

María Torres Sánchez

To respond or not to respond? Acoustic interference between closely related frog species


Postdoctoral fellow. University Complutense of Madrid. Madrid. Spain

Biography not available

Aileen Van Der Mescht

Hurry up and sing: early onset of diel calling behaviour and ecological drivers of calling behaviour of Acanthoplus discoidalis


Ecoacoustics. University of the Free State. Bloemfontein. South Africa

Biography not available

Marisol Valverde Montellano

Listening to the Amazonian freshwater giant: using air-breathing sounds to understand pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) dynamics in remote floodplain lakes


PhD student at Cornell University

Biography not available

Marta Bolgan

Unravelling marine symphonies: fish sound types for effective biodiversity monitoring and management


Ocean Science Consulting Ltd. Spott Rd. Scotland. UK

Biography not available

Luane Maria Stamatto Ferreira

Is there geographic variation in the whistles of the pantropical spotted dolphin in the Western South Atlantic Ocean?


Laboratory of Bioacoustics & EAR Hub, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil

Biography not available

Carmen Bazúa Durán

The whistle repertoire of bottlenose dolphins and its use to estimate abundance


Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, CU, Mexico

Biography not available