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Tuesday 9th july
16.30 - 18.15 h.
Location: Aula 002

6: Testing and applying acoustic Indices


Tom Bradfer-Lawrence

RSPB Centre for Conservation Science & University of Stirling, UK


Almo Farina

The Acoustic Complexity Indices (ACIs): Theoretical and applied perspectives


University of Urbino Carlo Bo (UNIURB). Italy

Biography not available

Claire Buchan

Understanding drivers of soundscape characteristics in the UK


Acoustic Ecology. University of East Anglia. Norwich. UK

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Joao Marcelo Brazao Protazio

Acoustic entropy (H), Amplitude Index (M) and Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI) predict Habitat-Specific Soundscapes in Urban area


Mathematical-Statistical Modeling. Universidade Federal do Para. Belem. Brazil

Biography not available

James Kemp

Impact of FFT Parameters on Acoustic Index Results


University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

Biography not available

Elise Delcour

Moving forward standardization for coral reef monitoring by ecoacoustics across ocean basins


Coral reef. Ecoacoustics. REEF PULSE S.A.S / UMR 9220 ENTROPIE. Saint Denis. La Réunion, France

Biography not available

Benedict Lancelot Dell

Major Soundscape Differences in the West Coast of Scotland are Reflected in Acoustic Indices


PhD Student in Underwater Acoustics. University of Southampton. Southampton. United Kingdom

Biography not available