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Tuesday 9th july
10.45 - 13.00 h.
Location: Sala de Grados

Multi-eared listening: pathways to equitable partnerships for a transdisciplinary ecoacoustics


Alice Eldridge

Ecolistening Group. University of Sussex. UK


Leah Barclay

Ecoacoustics and Acoustic Ecology. University of the Sunshine Coast. Queensland. Australia


Alice Eldridge

Ethical, Epistemological and Ecological importance of equitable partnerships in Ecoacoustics


Ecolistening Group. University of Sussex. UK

Biography not available

Wendy Erb

Participatory ecoacoustic monitoring of social-ecological change with Indigenous and local community partners surrounding Indonesia’s new capital city


K Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell lab of Ornithology, USA

Biography not available

Joycelyn Yaa Koko Longdon

Narrating the Forest: The Cultural Centrality of Storytelling in Participatory Bioacoustics with Forest Fringe Communities in Ghana


University of Cambridge. UK

Biography not available

Jo Geddes

Using Ecoacoustics and other monitoring techniques to work with Traditional Owners to bring Biocultural perspectives to environmental water discussions


Goulburn Broken CMA. Australia

Biography not available

Mónica Chuji Gualinga

Territory: Indigenous Peoples and the Conservation of Biodiversity


Indigenous Kichwa of the Ecuadorian Amazon/ Latin America Director of Indigenous Peoples Rights International. Ecuador

Biography not available

Leah Barclay

Listening with Ecosystems: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Ecoacoustics


Ecoacoustics and Acoustic Ecology. University of the Sunshine Coast. Queensland. Australia

Biography not available